CBSE Class 12 DELETED Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Download

Class 12 CBSE DELETED Syllabus 2024: Find here a list of all subjects from CBSE’s Humanities, Science, and Commerce streams as well as language courses that have had portions eliminated per subject. Make sure not …

Class 12 CBSE DELETED Syllabus 2024: Find here a list of all subjects from CBSE’s Humanities, Science, and Commerce streams as well as language courses that have had portions eliminated per subject. Make sure not to waste your valuable time studying these topics that were removed because they won’t be covered in the CBSE 12th class board exams in 2024.

12th CBSE Class 12 DELETED Syllabus 2023-24:

The newest curriculum for class 12 has been issued by the CBSE board at the start of the current academic year. The syllabus includes all of the course material, learning objectives, methodology, and assessment principles. The subject-specific Class 12th curriculum for the CBSE offers information about each subject’s course material as well as its justification, course structure, question paper format, list of required texts and resources, practical and project work specifics, etc.

Students should make sure they are studying the most recent and updated syllabus, as the CBSE is always updating and revising its content to stay up with the changing world and its most recent advances. They must also maintain track of any chapters or topics that the board has eliminated. This will guarantee that students are just reading the material that will be assessed during the next test. This article compares the curricula for 2019–2020, 2022–2023, and 2023–2024 before providing the subject–by–subject eliminated syllabus for class–12.

CBSE Class 12 DELETED Syllabus 2023-24

Here, you will find topics from the Science, Commerce, and Arts streams. There is also a copy of the syllabus that was dropped from the language exams.

Importance of the Class 12 CBSE Curriculum’

The CBSE Class 12 Syllabus is indispensable for exam preparation. Students can examine the significance of knowing the syllabus through the following examples:

  • The course outline includes the entire course structure, as well as the point value and duration of each section.
  • The syllabus also describes the question paper format, which enables students to anticipate the types of queries for each topic.
  • The exam papers are based on the CBSE board’s Class 12 curriculum, so knowing the curriculum will aid students in their preparation for the board exam.
  • It helps students effectively prepare for their Class 12 examinations so that they don’t miss any essential topics.
  • A syllabus is a well-designed course-planning instrument that benefits both students and instructors.

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