What Happens when You Block Someone’s Number on Your iPhone?

On your iPhone, blocking a number prevents it from contacting you by text, phone call, or FaceTime. Voicemails left for you by the banned number will still be handled separately from your regular voice mailbox. …

what happens when you block a number

On your iPhone, blocking a number prevents it from contacting you by text, phone call, or FaceTime.
Voicemails left for you by the banned number will still be handled separately from your regular voice mailbox.
If you block a person’s number on your iPhone, they can still reach you using third-party apps like WhatsApp.

Your iPhone won’t recognize the person whose number you block; their number will be permanently removed from your existence.

That is, their phone conversations, FaceTime calls, and text messages will be. Unfortunately, blocking a number on your iPhone won’t stop that individual from contacting you using third-party applications like Instagram, WhatsApp, or Facebook.

However, how does it appear to the one who has blocked you? Can they detect the block on them?

This is what occurs on your iPhone when you block someone.

Fast tip: Are you unsure of how to block a user on your iPhone? For a brief explanation on how to accomplish it, see our tutorial.

What happens when you block a number on your iPhone

Text messages with a block vanish.

Text messages from people you’ve banned don’t go through. Their communications will appear to have been sent, and they won’t get any notice that they’ve been banned. However, none of them will reach you, and you are unable to reply.

what happens when you block a number

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Blocked Face Time Calls Ring Forever

When an individual that you have banned attempts to FaceTime you, their phone will ring endlessly without receiving a response. You won’t be notified of their call, and nothing will happen on your end.

This will continue until the blocked caller gives up and ceases attempting to make calls.

Blocked Phone Calls Go Straight to Voicemail

When a caller that you have banned phones you, it goes straight to voicemail and seems as though your phone has been switched off. Their only indication that you have blocked them is this.

what happens when you block a number

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Although the voicemail from the banned number won’t appear among your normal messages, it may still be left. Rather, you must touch the Blocked Messages option at the bottom of the voicemail display after scrolling down.

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