Get Ready For the Top 7 Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico!

Chiapas, tucked away in Mexico’s southernmost region, is a place of breathtaking natural beauty and cultural abundance. Chiapas attracts adventurers looking for a one-of-a-kind experience with its verdant rainforests, ancient archaeological sites, and thriving indigenous …

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas Mexico

Chiapas, tucked away in Mexico’s southernmost region, is a place of breathtaking natural beauty and cultural abundance. Chiapas attracts adventurers looking for a one-of-a-kind experience with its verdant rainforests, ancient archaeological sites, and thriving indigenous traditions.

The indigenous people of Chiapas are known for their hospitality, and they offer visitors a rare chance to learn about the area’s rich history and culture.

Chiapas is a destination that will leave an indelible impression on those in search of adventure, relaxation, and cultural enrichment because of the harmonious coexistence of nature and history. If you travel to Chiapas, you will see a place that will touch your heart and soul.

How Much Money Do We Need to Live Comfortably in Mexico?

In comparison to the United States, living expenses in Mexico are 45.7% cheaper. This means that $600 – $2,000 a month should be sufficient for your needs.

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas Mexico

The cost of living is lower in Mexico in every category compared to the United States, including housing, food, utilities, communication, and recreation. In most people’s budgets, rent is the single largest monthly outlay.

What is the Famous Food in Mexico the Most?

Tamales: In Chiapas, tamales, which come in a wide variety, are by far the most famous and widely eaten food. Numerous of these contain the principal herbs used in Chiapas, including chipiln and hoja santa.

Wrappings vary by species, with banana leaves being the most common but corn husks and hoja santa leaves also being used.

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

To help you make the most of your trip to Chiapas, Mexico, we’ve compiled a list of the top attractions in the city.

1. Palenque

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

The captivating Mayan ruins at Palenque are the main attraction in this area of the country. The tomb of the great ruler Pakal the Great was discovered in the Temple of Inscriptions, one of many beautiful temples in the Palenque Archaeological Zone. Nature lovers and history buffs alike should not miss this incredible destination.

2. Cristobal de las Casas, San

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

San Cristobal de las Casas is a beautiful colonial town in the Chiapas Highlands that is well-known for its preserved architecture, bustling markets, and indigenous culture.

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Explore the local markets, stop by the San Cristobal Cathedral, and learn about the Tzotzil and Tzeltal cultures as you stroll the city’s historic streets.

3. Canyon del Sumidero

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

Visit Sumidero Canyon if you’re looking for a stunning natural attraction. Take a cruise down the Grijalva River and look up at the cliffs that soar up to a thousand feet in the air.

The canyon is a great place for those interested in nature and adventure because it is inhabited by a wide range of animals.

4. The Falls of Agua Azul

Agua Azul Waterfalls is a natural marvel, with its turquoise waters that cascade down the mountainside. These waterfalls, located in the middle of a lush tropical forest, make for a picturesque spot to cool off and unwind after a day of exploring.

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

The area is accessible via hiking trails, and the cool waters provide welcome relief from the Chiapas sun.

5. Yaxchilan

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

In the heart of the Lacandon Jungle can be found the ancient Mayan city of Yaxchilan. This site provides a fascinating look into Mayan culture and can be reached via a relaxing boat ride on the Usumacinta River.

Listen to the howler monkeys in the forest as you explore the well-preserved temples and other structures.

6. The National Park of Lagunas de Montebello

Lagunas de Montebello National Park is a nature lover’s paradise, with its 59 glistening lakes and endless pine forests located just a stone’s throw from the border with Guatemala.

Best Places to Visit in Chiapas, Mexico

Since the mineral composition of the lakes varies widely, their colors range from emerald and turquoise to a deep ruddy brown.

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The national park is a paradise for nature lovers, with plenty of opportunities for outdoor pursuits such as hiking, horseback riding, swimming, kayaking, and canoeing in the park’s lakes and forests.

7. The Waterfalls of Misol-Ha

The beautiful Misol-Ha Waterfall can be found in Chiapas, Mexico. Located deep in the jungle, this 35-meter-high waterfall is ideal for a refreshing swim or awe-inspiring spectatorship. A short hike will take you behind the falls, where you’ll get to see them from a whole new angle.


The Mexican state of Chiapas is a fantastic vacation spot because of the way it blends natural beauty with historical significance and cultural significance. Chiapas’ top attractions provide a rich tapestry of activities and sights for tourists of all stripes.

Chiapas is a fascinating and life-altering place to visit for a variety of reasons, including the Mayan ruins at Palenque, the charming streets of San Cristobal de las Casas, and the breathtaking scenery of Sumidero Canyon and Agua Azul Waterfalls.

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