How to See Previously Liked Posts on Instagram?

To access your profile’s options, go to your profile icon (three lines), then tap on Your activity, then Interactions, and finally, Likes. Only the 300 most recent likes will be visible to you. Read this …

how to view liked photos on insta

To access your profile’s options, go to your profile icon (three lines), then tap on Your activity, then Interactions, and finally, Likes.

Only the 300 most recent likes will be visible to you.

Read this article to learn how to access Instagram photos that you have liked in the past.

Where to Find Your Most Recently Liked Instagram Posts

Launch the Instagram app and enter your login details. Next, you may locate a list of posts that you have enjoyed by following these steps.

Press the profile icon in the bottom right corner.

Access the menu by tapping the three-line symbol in the top right corner.

Select Your Pleasure.

how to view liked photos on insta

Click on Interactions.

Select Likes to get a list of all your recent likes. The default order of likes is from most recent to oldest.

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To view likes from a previous date period, scroll down the page, or use the order & filter feature to order the list from oldest to newest.

how to view liked photos on insta

Reasons to View Your Previous Likes

For many purposes, having the ability to revisit content you have loved in the past is useful. View the items you have already liked so you can:

Use your likes to discover new accounts to follow.

Get caught up on the lengthy caption of that post you enjoyed but didn’t have time to read before.

To keep up with a conversation going on a certain topic as more people see it in their feeds, read more comments.

If you love an article but are too busy to compose a remark right now, feel free to leave a personal comment on it.

Get back to the details of that product, service, contest, exercise program, recipe, cosmetics lesson, or anything else that could be useful later.

Instagram likes are more than simply a way to show support for the poster’s work. If you find anything fascinating or useful enough to look at again, you may save it as a bookmark.

Disadvantages of Going Back to Favored Posts

The Instagram help website states that all you may view are the 300 most recent likes on any given post. That’s still a lot, but it might not be enough for Instagram power users who like hundreds of photos daily or who need to find something they liked weeks ago.

Instagram posts that you liked while using the online or mobile app will show up here. However, the app only displays posts that have been liked.

The visibility of liked posts from Instagram third-party applications like Iconosquare is unknown, but since it isn’t functional on Instagram’s online platform, it’s safe to assume it won’t be functional on any other platform either.

What happens if you remark on a photo or video but don’t like it? If you lose your comment, there’s no way to retrieve it again. Only posts that you have liked will be shown on the Likes page. To see a post, either press on its heart icon or double-tap on it.

Make sure to press the heart button even if your main aim is to leave a comment if you want to be able to revisit a post later.

Read More: How to Turn Live Photo into Video?


When you like an Instagram post, how can you dislike it?

To remove your like from a post, open it and touch the heart icon. There will no longer be a Like for this item.

How can you view the Instagram posts that other users have liked?

Tap “X likes” on a particular post to view all the likes the post has received.

What is the best way to conceal Instagram likes?

To disable the visibility of total likes and views for posts from other accounts, navigate to Settings > Privacy > Posts and turn the Hide Like and View Counts option to On. Navigate to your feed, press the three dots next to a post, then select Hide Like Count to conceal the number of likes on your own articles.

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