Akshay Kumar updates OMG 2 again. On Friday, the actor revealed the film’s release date and a new poster of himself. OMG 2 premieres August 11. Akshay Kumar’s Instagram poster became viral within an hour. Lord Shiva inspired his new look. Akshay Kumar captioned the photo: “Aa rahe hai hum, aayega aap bhi [we are coming, you are invited]. August 2023 OMG2.”
Akshay Kumar’s film will compete alongside Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal and Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2. Both films will debut in August 2023. B Praak, a frequent collaborator with Akshay Kumar, commented with a red heart and fiery emojis. See it.
When Will be OMG 2 Released?
OMG, 2 will hit Indian theaters on August 11, 2023, according to recent reports. This date is special because Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2—will also debut on the same day.
The Sunny Deol-Ameesha Patel film Gadar 2 will compete alongside OMG 2. This film will be a hit with viewers. With two movies launching on the same day, it will be hard for audiences to choose one to watch on day 1. Amit Rai wrote and directed the comedy-drama OMG 2. It follows OMG (2012). Top actors with Akshay Kumar.
OMG 2 Cast or Crew
Akshay Kumar leads the flick. Aamir Naik plays a policeman. The film also stars Yami Gautam, Pankaj Tripathi, Arun Govil, who played Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar Ramayan, Fahim Fazli as Kahan Baba, Naveen Singh, Parth Siddhpura, Rajiv Kachroo, Shriidhar Dubey as Chandu Padiyal, Vedika Nawani as Sophie, Kabir Sadanand, Simran Sharma as the mother, James Ghadge as Yash, Nrbarz as a doctor, Abhishek Chouksey, Amir Ali Shaik, Sumit Nagar as Kamini’s Assistant 2, Heman. The OMG 2 cast is below.
- Male Lead: Akshay Kumar
- Female Lead Yami Gautam
- Male Lead Pankaj Tripathi
- Arun Govil
- Fahim Fazli
- Vedika Nawani
- Parth Siddhpura, etc.
What is the Storyline Difference Between OMG And OMG 2?
In the previous season, we encountered a man named Kanji Lalji Mehta who owns a shop and doesn’t believe in God. After an earthquake ruins his shop, his family and friends blame his lack of faith. To get justice, Kanji sues God.
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Kanji’s lawyer Hanif Qureshi takes his case. Religious leaders and an insurance firm are sued. Krishna Vasudev Yadav, a mysterious figure with extraordinary powers, supports him. Belief, spirituality, and religious traditions versus personal views are explored in the novel. It questions God’s existence and role.
On the poster, there is a sentence that reveals the release date of OMG 2 which is 11 August 2023. The sentence says, Aa rahe hain hum aur aap bhi aayiyega. Akshay Kumar shared the message on both Twitter and Instagram to announce the upcoming release of the new OMG 2 movie. The film will feature in cinemas all across the country.
OMG2 Trailer
If you’ve seen OMG 2’s trailer on YouTube or elsewhere, there’s no official trailer yet. Fans of clickbait videos make all YouTube trailers buzz. Avoid phony videos to save time. Soon, you can view the complete film at the theater. Wait and enjoy.
Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2 Poster Shared
Akshay Kumar released his movie poster on Friday, June 9, 2023. He drew one text on this banner to show the OMG 2 release date, August 11, 2023. He wrote “Aa rahe hain hum, aaiega aap bhi”. On Instagram and Twitter, he posted this caption.
This led us to believe the new OMG 2 movie will be released. The film will be shown nationwide in cinemas.
OMG 2 Budget And Box Office Collections
The makers have kept the budget of the movie of 150 crores INR which is a decent budget film and it has performed well at the cinema considering its budget. According to trade experts, the film will have an opening of 20 Crores INR on day 1
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The numbers can be higher if other films like Gadar 2 and Animal will not release on the same day at theatres. The box office collections will divide because of the 3 grand releases of 2023.
OMG 2 OTT Platform Release Date
Films release on OTT platforms after 2–3 months, including OMG 2. The movie will debut on OTT after a few weeks of theatrical distribution if it does well. Through the OTT app, many can watch it. The OTT platform’s social media accounts will announce the app’s Youtube teaser one week before its online release.
That concludes this article. We covered all the crucial Omg 2 details today, and we’ll post any subsequent developments here first. This page has current information, so you can check it anytime. Also, check out our writings on Animal OTT Release Date 2023 and OTT Platform.
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